My experience as a public far
For about 2 years now, I’ve started doing public speaking. I’ve applied to 60 different conferences in that time span. To my total surprise about 10% of those conferences agreed to have me as a speaker. Me! Nobody have ever heard of me. Very few of the people (if any), that are responsible for the selection of those conferences, have heard of th...
"CQRS for human beings" resources
Here you can find all the links from my slides for the sessions “CQRS for human beings”.
Link to presentation: Here
Demo Project @ Github is HERE
Must read resources:
"CQRS" by Martin Fowler
"CQRS, Task Based UIs, Event Sourcing agh!" by Greg Young
Event Sourcing in MSDN
"CQRS Journey" - book by MSDN
Event Sourcing: The Good, The B...
[Best Practice #2] Specify length of collections when you know it.
In the past of programming, developers were fighting for every single byte of memory and every single computing cycle. But with advancement of computers, with memory getting more and more cheaper, with programming languages getting more user friendly and offering compiler sugar, developers got lazier. But this is a good thing. Software gets insa...
[Best Practice #1] Override the ToString() method of your classes
This is first of series of best practices and tips I have for my fellow software developers. The articles are not ordered by importance, they are completely random. (And I mean real random, not computer random)
There are a few methods available for you from the object class in .NET, which provide some basic functionalities for you structures. Th...
Programming Best Practices
In this series I will write some best practices that I have adopted and validated to be very useful, even critical sometimes, in my everyday’s life as a C# developer.
The guidelines I am talking about don’t necessarily apply only to C#, but this is the language I have most experience with.
I will start posting such an article every few days. And...
Silverlight ResourceDictionary Issues
I have been developing WPF/Silverlight Applications about half an year already and I am charmed by the power of those technologies. But still there are some very strange and annoying issues I came upon, especially in my Silverlight implementations. The most favourite one is the one I will be explaining in this post. I am talking about the Resour...